Announcement #2: Virtual And Express Color Consultations

Color on the go!

Ok I am particularly excited about this announcment!

I can now offer, after my training in England, a Virtual and an Express Color Analysis! So let’s break those down to better understand.

Virtual Color Analysis

Have you wanted to get your colors done by me but are not in Waco or feel like you do not have enough time? Then this is the solution for you! With a virtual color analysis, we will meet online and talk through what a tonal analysis means, analyze which tonal palette you fit into, and talk through your colors. Afterwards I will send a PDF guide to recap what we talked about and mail you your own color wallet! The pro of a virtual analysis is saving the time and, as we will see in a second, cost. The con is you will miss the joy and experience of draping each individual color on you and seeing how well each color compliments you and we will not be able to do a make-up application. For a virtual analysis, I will be charging $100.

Express Color Analysis

Have an event coming up? Or a girls night? Or a bridal shower? Well with an express color analysis, I can now do multiple people in an event. In an express analysis, we will do a very quick taste of your color palette. I will drape 10 colors on each participant and each person will walk away with a handout with more information about their palette. Perfect for big events or fun get togethers! For an express color analysis, I will be charging $50 per person for 4-10 people, and $40 per person for 10+ at an event!

This is a a big announcement with lots of information and elements! If you have any questions or want more information, please do not hesitate to reach out!


Announcement #3: Style Consultation


Announcement #1: Secondary and Tertiary Analysis